Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To clear up somethings...

Okay, I have this feeling that all the people that read my blog strongly dislike my father, and I just wanted to clear somethings up.

That was a long time ago I am a different person now. My dad was going through some tough times to, and he has changed also. But no matter how many times he yelled at me I still love him because he is my father, and I will always forgive him.

And now I here are some reasons how I got out of my problem
  1. I have FANTASTIC friends that will always be there for me
  2. I believe in something. I am not going to tell you that you have to believe in god (I am a methodist ((it is a type of christain))), but you should believe in SOMETHING. and I strongly believe that god saved my life.
  3. Talk to somebody, I know it seem like that is what everybody tells you to do if you got problems, but it helps. And I will be the first to admit it, I have a therapist.
  4. Listen to HAPPY or UPLIFTING music. I don't know way but this helped me.
  5. Do something you love to do, it makes you feel happy inside.

Okay that is really all I got, and if you have someways to make yourself feel happy please feel free to comment!!!

Oh! dang I forgot one!! yoga... love yoga.... and for me it helps muchly



1 comment:

Luna said...

i doubt that you ahve to believe in anything more than yourself, like I do. you know that i have no religion, but im happy, well sorta.
just check out mine to find out what im talking about.