Saturday, May 10, 2008

the first blog

i am not going to go on and on about how i have no idea what is going on. That i just created a blog for the heck of it.

I am blogging from my laptop that doesn't really have that great of internet connection, that is why I am here because my computer is being REALLY slow on runescape and I have to do somthing.

Another reason why I thought I would do this is because my diary on that thing called Notebook is getting rather boring, BUT when I can't blog my stuff directly here I will type it there and then later when I get the chance (probably on night, like here).

Things that I have to do to get my blog all nice and fancy (ish) #1 change my username from illie-ma to my name Mattie. #2 fill out that thing that asks you those question thinges if they are not already filled out #3 other stuff that is not coming to mind right now

You might find out that I am a bit strange. I am ADHD even if my parents are in denial even though my therpist proved that I am (yes I actually do have a therpist). But I guess that is good that they are in denial because then my mom would TOTALLY want to put me a Ritalin.

There is a bug flying around on my screen....

Other stuff that you might want to know about me. Urrmmm..... Well.... I am thinking about becoming Wiccan. I am 12 going on 13 (June 16, 1995).... that is all I can think about right now....

Well bye i am going to publish this then get to work on the things that I said I was going to do.

Stupid bug.... IT IS STILL FLYING AROUND ON MY SCREEN!!! it is annoying....

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